Sunday, October 2, 2011

Both Travelling

Our home security systems have really been getting a workout these last six months since my husband’s company decided to have him travelling overseas all the time. Since I work from home I can actually go too which has been a lot of fun so I generally just book a ticket when they book his and go right along with him! I know it sounds silly but it’s like I get to travel for free almost and I at least get a free place to stay. We’ve been to Japan, Mexico and Canada all in the last few months and there are a few more big trips on the docket soon. I know this traveling thing won’t last forever so I’m going to milk it with my husband for as long as I can and I know he feels the same way! We’re lucky because we don’t have any kids or pets or anything like that so we can get on a plane with a clear conscience and not worry about leaving anything behind.