Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday, yippeeeee

Well have to get the ribs ready, and dinner rolls. That’s my end of the deal; most people are bringing wings, and pizza. My friend Tessie is bringing lasagna. I don’t think there will be to many people there around 25, with all the kids, maybe 40.

It’s one of my friends that I have known for years. We went to their house for a New Years party. You know speaking of friends here is my thoughts on this topic. (kinda short, I could go on an on…..)


Someone you can depend on.

Someone that you help, and know that they will always be there for you.

Someone you call everyday, or at least every other day.

Someone that lives in another state, or country, and you feel like they are around the corner, because you talk to them all the time.

Someone that always remembers your birthday, and spends time with you, or makes you happy that special day.

I am so blessed to have several friends, here, across the U.S., and abroad. I just enjoy the company of people; they are interesting, and fun to be around. I am lucky to have a husband that likes my friends and, goes to all the parties with me.

We are leaving the house around 2:30pm. We as in, me, hubby, my kids (3), and probably Shawns friends. We will take 2 cars; my oldest will drive his car with Shawn and his 2 friends. Me and my hubby will take my car with my little girl. (Not so little anymore, almost 14) It’s snowing out, and Jeff my oldest is on his way down from the mountains. He said there was an accident and he was gonna turn around and try another way.

It should be a good time at the party, some friends I haven’t seen in a while and some I seen Friday when we were bowling. Hope everyone out in blogworld has a nice Super Sunday. Gee it’s almost celebrated like a holiday.